The Ferndale MESS (Mental Emergencies Support Services Club) has created messages to share with students while school buildings are closed and distance learning takes place.
The club has put together messages for social media posts campaigns at various times. Those post messages are archived in the website accordions for each month.
The FHS Mess Club has a Facebook page and Instagram account.
Please contact club leader Kelsey Ottum at kelsey.ottum@ferndalesd.org for information about FHS MESS Club.
May Updates
May 16: Take a break from the screen! Get up, stretch, drink some water, do a bit of exercise to get your blood pumping - this will improve not only your physical health, but it can also lift your mood.
May 17: As we begin to see that Washington state is getting busier again, please remember to follow health precautions, like washing your hands and staying inside if you feel sick.
May 18: As AP testing continues, remember to take time for yourself to recharge and make sure that you don’t stress yourself too much.
May 19: If you see someone struggling, make sure to reach out to them and ask them if they are doing alright. Just asking someone how their day is can change their day for the better.
May 20: Remember to stay in contact with your friends - because we are so far into quarantine, we may forget to check up on people that you haven’t talked to for a while, but it is important to show the people who care about you that you appreciate them as well.
May 21: Take a moment to contact your teachers - they do truly care about you, and many of them are teachers because they love working with students. They are happy to hear from you!
May 22: Take some time to reflect on how this experience has impacted you - make a video, write a song, make a drawing, or do a journal entry to get those feelings out!
May 23: If you need help with anything related to mental health, you are able to DM this page, and we will provide you with support and resources.
May 24: Setting manageable goals is one good way to keep yourself motivated and active during this time - the accomplishment that you feel from achieving what you set out to do brings confidence and increased self-esteem.
May 25: If possible, set aside some time each day to reflect upon how you are doing mentally and emotionally - take stock of your feelings, and if you think it’s time to reach out to someone for help, FHS MESS Club is always here for you.
May 26: Take this time to get ahead in planning for the future - it’s good to research how things have changed in regards to college applications or other career plans after high school. Being informed and prepared eases stress and uncertainty.
May 27: Take some time to bond with those you care about. Here are some ideas: go outside and do sports with your siblings, take some time to sit down and talk with your parents, text or video call your friends, call your relatives, email your teachers, etc.
May 28: Keep in mind that the time that we are living in is strange and unusual, so remember to be kind to yourself.
May 29: Set aside some time each day to do something that calms you down and gets you in a positive headspace. This could be listening to music, exercising, cooking or baking something, drawing, writing, meditating, etc.
May 30: Your emotions are valid, and you will come out of this experience stronger!
April Updates
April 1: It’s hard to be stuck inside for so long. Why not leave the house and go for a drive! Blast the radio with your favorite playlist and hit the road with a family member (one you already live with) or by yourself! Get out of your house and explore Whatcom County safely within your car! Or drive to a trailhead and go for a walk!
April 2: Look in your family’s library for a book you may have not noticed before. Get lost in a book for a few hours and enjoy some quiet time.
April 3: In our busy day-to-day lives we often forget to take care of ourselves. Take this time of social distancing and quarantine to relax and treat yourself to a spa day. Take a long bath, lay out in the sun, or paint yours or someone else’s nails (with that person’s consent).
April 4: Perhaps spring cleaning came a little earlier this year. Go through your room and finally clean out the closet. Reorganize your shelves and cabinets, and do a thorough clean of the house. Why not?! You got the time!
April 5: People love to hear they’re important. Spread kindness and text your friends and let them know how important they are to you in your life.
March Updates
March 25: Here’s a fun challenge: pick up an app like Duolingo and start learning a new language! Duolingo is a free app, available on the App Store and on Google Play. Duolingo also has a website!
March 26: Here’s a good tip that may help you throughout this experience of social isolation: keep a routine! Get dressed in the morning, eat at a certain time of day, drink enough water, and get a good amount of sleep! Keeping a routine helps you to have a sense of “normal” in times of uncertainty.
March 27: Remember that you are still allowed to go outdoors - just don’t go into public places unless absolutely necessary (see Governor Inslee’s order here). Getting active is a great way to stay entertained.
March 28: Remember to eat healthy foods - eating foods with lots of vitamins and nutrients improves your health and your mood. Right now (as always) we want to have as many healthy people as possible - remember though, that even if you are feeling healthy, we have been ordered to stay inside unless it is for a necessary task.
March 29: Stay connected with family and friends through social media - check in on your friends and relatives and see how they are doing, it can make someone’s day!
March 30: Help your parents with chores and projects around the house - this is a great way to stay entertained, and it helps your parents out, meaning that they are less stressed as well.
March 31: Take some time to reflect on your experiences - writing down your feelings and experiences during this time can help you to be more centered and calm during our period of social isolation.