Ferndale Virtual Academy
Students in Ferndale Virtual Academy can be full-time online and off-site using the Edgenuity curriculum. The student's schedule is flexible with the ability to retrieve credits and/or move at an accelerated pace. The student will receive support from certificated teachers who work on-campus at Ferndale High School. 504 and IEP support are available as needed. Students will have a Written Student Learning Plan outlining classes and credits, involved in Monthly Progress Reviews, and weekly contact, all with the support of a certificated teacher.
Profile of a Ferndale Virtual Academy student:
Diploma-seeking (30 credits)
Self-motivation and self-direction
Time-management skills
Ability and willingness to learn independently
Strong reading, writing, and communication skills
Program Requirements/Expectations:
Written Student Learning Plan created by a certificated teacher.
Monthly Progress Reviews assessed by a certificated teacher, communicated with student and guardian.
Intervention Plans created by certificated teachers, students, and/or guardians in order to help students get back on track
Weekly contact initiated by the student to the teacher through a two-way, academic conversation
Expectations of students to work 28 hours a week online