FHS Transition FAQs
These were student submitted questions. If you have any other questions, please contact Mr. Goodwin at benjamin.goodwin@ferndalesd.org
- How many floors are in the new building?
- Are we also having Eagle Time in new building? Will classes be longer or the same? Are we staying in a Blue and Gold day schedule?
- Will students have access to the elevator?
- Will students have access to the roof?
- Will passing times change with the transition to the new building?
- Will there be changes to parking with the transition to the new building?
- Will there be open campus at lunch? What about lunches in the new cafeteria? Will we have a snack bar?
- Is there heating and air conditioning?
- Will there be schedule changes? How will class sizes be?
- How many classrooms does the new building have? Will our classes be in the same general area?
- Is the library big?
- When are we actually going to be in the new school? When will the old school be demolished? When will it be completed?
- Are we going to be able to decorate the walls and the classrooms?
- Will we become a 4A school with the new building? Or will it still be 3A?
- Are there cameras in the classrooms?
- How big are the new stairs and stairwells?
- What will the new desks look like?
- What will the evacuations in an emergency look like in the new building?
- Are teachers sharing rooms? Why do the teachers not have their own classrooms? How will the classrooms be shared? Will they be split between teachers that teach that same subject?
- Will there be a way made to get from the new building to the Preforming Arts building while the old building is being demolished, or will we have to go all the way around?
- Is the old school going to be gone? Where will the main entrance be? How many entrances are there? How is everyone supposed to fit in the entrances?
- Where are the bathrooms? Is there going to be single person bathrooms?
- Will any teacher want and/or accept student help with moving?
- Are there going to be more of a commons area to hangout in?
- Are there going to be arrows and directions on how to get to the new building? Is the whole building going to be open or are there only going to be certain rooms open for students?
- Will there be school uniforms for girls and boys?
- Are we keeping our same eagle times? Will we stay in the same eagle time?
- Will we have a ribbon cutting ceremony?
- Are there going to be lockers?
- Will everyone receive a map on the first day? Will the new building be easier to navigate and where will the counseling office be at?